Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Neher
Eva-Maria Neher is the founder and former director of XLAB which is the Experimental Laboratory for Young People in Göttingen (Göttinger Experimentallabor für junge Leute e.V.). XLAB’s aim is to bridge the gap between scientific research and school teaching. Young people have the opportunity to carry out challenging and relevant experiments and work closely together with scientists. Ambitious practical courses are offered in biology, neurobiology, ecology, chemistry, physics and computer science. XLAB also organizes advanced teacher trainings. Every year 12.000 participants from all over the world, most of them high-school students, attend experimental courses in XLAB’s laboratories.
XLAB – Göttinger Experimentallabor für junge Leute e.V.
Phone +49(0)551 39-12872
Mail emneher (at) xlab-goettingen.de