Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider
Our group examines challenging catalytic multielectron/multiproton redox transformations, such as (de-)hydrogenation reactions, CO2 reduction and specifically the direct use of dinitrogen as a chemical feedstock. For this purpose we develop functional ligands that serve as storage sites for redox equivalents and/or protons. These concepts of metal-ligand and multimetallic cooperativity are applied to homogeneous catalysis, electrocatalysis and photocatalyis relevant to chemical synthesis, chemical energy storage and material synthesis through chemical bottom-up approaches (Atomic Layer Deposition). Details can be found on our Homepage.
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
Georg-August-University Göttingen
Phone +49(0)551 39-22829
Mail Sven.Schneider (at) chemie.uni-goettingen.de