PD Dr. Martin Wenderoth
The miniaturization of future electronic devices is intimately connected with the ability to analyze the system on the atomic scale. This requires more than just knowing the local defect structure and the electronic properties, but it has to include the characterization of transport fields and dynamic processes of single defects. Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) has opened up a way to access surface as well as bulk properties. Our group is applying and developing SPM tools for challenging questions of fundamental research in this field investigating e.g. metalsemiconductor interfaces, transport in graphene, charge dynamics of single dopants in GaAs, Kondo effect and new material classes like hexaborides or iridates. Details of the ongoing projects can be found on our homepage.
4. Physical Institute – Solid State and Nanostructures
Georg-August-University Göttingen
Phone +49(0)551 39-9367
Mail martin.wenderoth (at) uni-goettingen.de