Welcome Letter
The International Center for Advanced Studies of Energy Conversion are jointly organizing a Summer School from September 24-29, 2017 on the topic “Catalysis of Relevance to Energy Conversion”.
The meeting will be in the format of a Gordon conference with ample time for informal discussions after each talk as well as during meal times and afternoon breaks. The school will bring together experienced scientists, postdocs, and graduate students active in the area of modern catalysis research related to energy conversion in the broadest sense. The aim of the school is to provide the participating graduate students and postdocs with both an introduction to the foundations as well as an overview of the latest developments in the field. Thus, divers aspects of energy conversion will be presented that cover, among others, the chemical utilization and conversion of CO2, electro-catalysis, C-H and C-C activation, the storage and activation of hydrogen, as well as photoredox catalysis. Invited speakers are expected to each give two 45 min presentations. First, a tutorial lecture on the fundamental principles on which their work is based, and second a talk on their current research and state of the art results.
- Chemical Utilization of CO2
- C-H and C-C Activation
- H2 Storage and activation
- Photoredox Catalysis
- Electrochemistry
“Alte Mensa” Wilhelmsplatz 3
Thanks to everybody who participated in making the Summer School a success. We hope you enjoyed your stay in Göttingen.

25.03.17 Registration is open
12.09.17 Schedule is now online
Important Dates
Deadline for Registration
Organizing Committee
Lutz Ackermann, Georg August Universität Göttingen
Organizing Board
Alec M. Wodtke, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Alexander Breder, Georg August Universität Göttingen
Shoubhik Das, Georg August Universität Göttingen
Eva-Maria Neher, XLAB – Göttinger Experimentallabor für junge Leute e.V.

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