About the Summer School
The 2025 Summer School of the International Center for Advanced Studies of Energy Conversion (ICASEC) on October, 12-16 covers the topic “State of the Art Methods in Surface Dynamics”.
The mission of ICASEC is to bring together a broad range of scientists and address fundamental problems of energy conversion in research and teaching. For this purpose, our annual summer school provides a discussion platform for international postdocs and students with 8 leading experts. This year state-of-thje art methods for surface dynamics are in the focus of the summer school.
Invited speakers will each give two 45 min presentations. A tutorial lecture on the fundamental principles and methods of their work is followed by a seminar that covers their current research and the state of the art in electrosynthesis.
Participation in the Summer School is free of charge for students and post-docs. Participants are expected to cover their accommodation and travel costs.
01.04.25 Flyer
01.04.25 Registration open
Important Dates
Deadline for Registration
Organizing Committee
Oliver Bünermann, Georg-August Universität Göttingen
Tim Schäfer, Georg-August Universität Göttingen
Alec M. Wodtke, Max-Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry

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