Travel Information
Summer School
Tagungszentrum an der Strenwarte
Geismar Landstr. 1
37085 Göttingen
GHOTEL hotel & living Göttingen
Bahnhofsallee 1a
37081 Göttingen
Arrival by plane
The nearest international airport to Göttingen is Hannover. Transfer from the airport to the main station lasts 20-30 minutes. From Hannover main station the Intercity express (ICE) needs 50-60 minutes to reach Göttingen.
Oversea flights arrive at Frankfurt or Hamburg which are the second nearest airports to Göttingen. You can reach Göttingen from Frankfurt or Hamburg by a direct train connection which lasts about 2 hours.
Arrival by Train
After arriving at the Göttingen railway Station, proceed to the eastern exit of the railway station. You can reach the B&B Hotel Göttingen-City (Maschmühlenweg 19-21, 37073 Göttingen) by foot.
Arrival by car
You reach Göttingen via tha A7. Please take the exit no. 73 (Göttingen) and then take B3 to Göttingen.
Conference Center
To do
01.04.25 Flyer
01.04.25 Registration open
Important Dates
Deadline for Registration
Organizing Committee
Oliver Bünermann, Georg-August Universität Göttingen
Tim Schäfer, Georg-August Universität Göttingen
Alec M. Wodtke, Max-Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry

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